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North Colonie Youth Baseball Association

Spring Rec Baseball

The 2024 Spring Rec Season will run from April 20th through June 22nd.

 Division Primary Age GroupDescription 
 Rookies 4,5 Players hit a safety (soft) baseball from a batting tee
 Minors 6 Coach Pitch
 Junior 7,8 Intro to Player Pitch / Coach Pitch
 Intermediate 9,10 Player Pitch
 Majors (50/70) 11,12 League's most competitive level of baseball

Rookies Division (T-ball)

2024 Fee: $100.00
Equipment Provided by League: Jersey, hat
Equipment Needed: Batting Helmet, Glove, Bat (USA Bat Standard)
Optional Equipment: Baseball Pants, cleats

This developmental, non-competitive level of baseball is for all players who are “Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth League Baseball” age 4 or 5 (see age chart below). Parents are asked to not leave players unattended at practice or games. Players are hitting a soft baseball from a batting tee.
·        Teams are formed by the League primarily based on registration date & school area.
·        Games are typically three or four innings (1 to 1 ½ hours in duration)
·        Teams typically have one game per week with short practice time prior to each game, with the games being played on Sunday. If possible, teams will be scheduled for one weeknight game per season when the older divisions play.
·        Players hit from a batting tee; All players are in the field; No players on the bench.
·        The primary goal is to begin to instruct young players hitting and fielding fundamentals in a supportive team environment.

Minors Division

2024 Fee: $110.00
Equipment Provided by League: Jersey, Hat, catchers equipment
Equipment Needed: Glove, Cleats, Batting Helmet, Bat (USA Bat Standard)
Optional Equipment: Baseball Pants, Cleats, protective cup

This developmental, non-competitive level of baseball is primarily made up of 6-year-olds. 5-year-olds may play in the Minor division if they have played coach pitch the prior fall ball season AND with the understanding that they will play in the Minor Division for two seasons and will not move to the Junior Division until age appropriate. Players hit a soft baseball pitched from a coach (a tee is used if the player does not hit the ball into play after six pitches). All hits are singles; last batter hits a home run and clears the bases. If the defense makes an out the runner goes to the bench. Outs can be made at any base. (Coaches may agree not to enforce this to begin the season. By the end of the season, we encourage coaches to use the outs to begin teaching the kids that outs do occur). 
·        Teams are formed by the League primarily based on registration date and school area.
·        Teams typically have two games per week with short practice time prior to each game.  One game being played on either Mon, Tues or Wed nights at 6 pm and a second game being played on Saturday. Schedule and times do rotate between teams.
·        Equal playing time for all participants.

Juniors Division

2024 Fee: $180.00  
Equipment Provided by League: Jersey, Hat, catchers equipment
Equipment Needed: Baseball pants, Glove, Cleats, Batting Helmet, Bat (USA Bat Standard), Protective Cup

This developmental, noncompetitive, baseball format is made up of 7 and 8-year-olds.  Season is played with a combination of coach pitch and an introduction of player pitch. 
·        Teams are formed by the League primarily based on registration date & school area.
·        Introduction of player pitch with the assistance of coaches to move along game play.
·        Teams typically have two games per week with short practice time prior to each game.  One game being played on either Mon, Tues or Wed nights at 6 pm and a second game being played on Saturday. Schedule and times do rotate between teams.
·        Equal playing time for all participants.

Intermediate Division

2024 Fee: $190.00 
Equipment Provided by League: Jersey, Hat, catchers equipment
Equipment Needed: Baseball pants, Glove, Cleats, Batting Helmet, Bat (USA Bat Standard), Protective Cup

Players build and refine their fundamental skill while beginning to understand game strategy and teamwork. 
· Players are placed onto teams via a draft. The goal of the draft is balanced teams throughout the division.
· Teams typically have two games per week. One game being played on either Mon, Tues or Wed nights at 6 pm and a second game being        played on Saturday.  Schedule and times do rotate between teams.
· No player sits out more than two innings per game or two consecutive innings.

Majors Division

2024 Fee: $195
Equipment Provided by League: Jersey, Hat, catcher equipment
Equipment Needed: Baseball pants, Glove, Cleats, Batting Helmet, Bat (USA Bat Standard), Protective Cup

Cal Ripken’s most competitive level of baseball consisting of 11 and 12-year-olds. 
· Players are placed onto teams via draft.
· Games are featuring a 50’ pitching distance and 70’ base paths. 
· Special base running rules are also in effect.
· Draft goal is balanced teams
· Teams typically have two games per week


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